Pescador griego encuentra estatua de la antigüedad en el mar

Foto: An undated picture provided by the Greek Culture Ministry on Monday, May 8, 2006 shows the torso from an ancient statue of a horseback soldier fished out of the Aegean Sea last week. The 1-meter (3-foot) fragment was found by a fisherman off the island of Kalymnos and handed over to authorities. (AP Photo/Culture Ministry)
Atenas- Un pescador de la isla Kalymnos, en el archipiélago griego Dodecaneso, realizó un hallazgo de gran valor en el mar: en una de sus redes apareció una estatua de bronce de un joven que data de la antigüedad, informaron hoy medios locales.
La estatua, de alrededor de un metro de largo, fue entregada por el pescador de 65 años al Departamento de Arqueología de la isla, que según éste es del siglo I después de Cristo.
Su valor es por el momento incalculable, dijo hoy la directora del departamento en declaraciones a la televisión griega. La estatua representa a un jinete. Sin embargo, el caballo no fue encontrado hasta ahora.
Fuente: DPA
(2) Fisherman Nets Ancient Statue in Greece
ATHENS, Greece - A Greek fisherman has handed over to authorities a large section of an ancient bronze statue brought up in his nets in the Aegean Sea, officials said on Monday.
The male torso was located last week near the eastern Aegean island of Kalymnos, the Culture Ministry said in an announcement.
The one-meter (3-foot) high find belonged to a statue of a horseback soldier, and would have been part of the cargo of an ancient ship that sank in the area. It was taken to Athens to be cleaned and dated.
Together with the torso, the fisherman brought up two small bronze pieces believed to belong to the statue, and a wine-jar from the ancient city of Knidos in what is now Turkey dating from the first century B.C, the ministry said.
The seas around Kalymnos are rich in ancient wrecks and have yielded several impressive finds in recent years, including a large female statue now exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. The fisherman who netted it in 1995 earned a euro440,000 (US$558,000) reward from the Culture Ministry.
Other scattered pieces of bronze statues found in the area include a head, legs and arms, but it is unclear whether these could match the horsemans torso.
Fuente: The Associated Press, 9 de mayo de 2006
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